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"We have unconscious triggers that physiologically + biochemically shift our body into flight or fight mode.
If left unaddressed,
 performances remain at risk of repetitive hijacking and inconsistency."



Common behaviours that indicate players are operating in a heightened state of stress or fear:
  • conceding points consecutively;
  • unexplained inconsistent performance where a team dominates the game, to then lose;
  • error stacking - errors are made consecutively by the team;
  • the strategy in 'losing' becomes a repetitive pattern (each week or fortnight);
  • tension tagging - stress moves through the team, player by player;
  • consistently inconsistent (no clear pattern to poor or inconsistent performance);
  • the team revert to old patterns of behaviour, rather than sticking to game plan;
  • unable to carry out the entire game plan, during a game;
  • shift from high performance as a unit, to then appear disjointed and scrambling;
  • decisions made on the field are 'silly' despite experience and knowledge;
  • players aren't understanding each other on the field and start to play individually;
  • high performance training, comes 'undone' on the field during a game;
​These are some behaviours that indicate individuals are operating in a state of stress, at the individual level and team level, stemming from their unconscious reactivity that hijacks team performance. 
The solution is a tailored parallel program (individual and team):
(i) unpack the default thinking (the unconscious programming);
(ii) neural re-training to break down the old pattern and rewire the new conscious strategy;
(iii) individually anchor the conscious strategy and train the group to access during performance;

Inconsistent Performance is a  Mindset issue...

Performance is behaviour. Behaviour is driven by our thinking. Our thinking is shaped by our emotions.
Our own unique internal operating system, identifies emotions.

In order to change behaviour sustainably, you must unpack the thinking. But even before that, there must be awareness of what is happening.

brains are neurobiologically and physiologically wired to detect potential risks. This means that if our sensory system detects a 'potential' risk, it reacts unconsciously, sending our body into a fear response, which looks like erratic behaviour, confusion, scrambling, disconnection, error stacking, unexplained behaviour, poor decision making, reactivity... during a performance.

Without physiological and unconscious re-programming, it makes performing "under stress" or in "uncertain environments" almost impossible... in fact it will exacerbate stress.

Our brain processes 11+ million pieces of information and has around 2000 thoughts each hour. It is our unconscious mind that manages, sorts and interprets this data, using emotions as the filing system. Our unconscious mind is formed in the first 12 years of life + influences for life.

Now when we navigate adversity or a challenge, we often find ourselves stuck and this is because there will be a misalignment of thinking and action.


This is due to our unconscious mind needing an upgrade, now that we are much older.


9 times out of 10, our unconscious mind will be  sabotaging our own progress and achievements. Think about when you make a mistake, what do you say to yourself?  Now would you say that to someone else? (2).png

Let's geek out on the neuroscience behind it...

If a potential risk, is picked up by our sensory system, unconsciously our minds and bodies will: 

  • disconnect pathways to our neocortex (thinking brain);

  • activate thoughts that drive action to avoid risk;

  • reduce oxygen to parts of our of body;

  • produce stress chemicals that disrupt performance and thinking;

  • pump adrenaline around the body that increases impulsive action;

  • internal alarm system is activated, creating internal panic;

  • muscles are tense and ready for fight or flight;

  • residual heightened state of trepidation;




This will cause: 

  • reasoning, thinking and judgement to be impaired;

  • inability to rationalise fear and process emotion, causing us to loop;

  • reduced oxygen and blood flow to parts of our of body;

  • trapped in a state of fear which loops if not disrupted effectively;

  • sense of panic, urgency and uncertainty remains for 20 mins;

  • reactive and impulsive decisions and behaviour;

  • creates tension tagging through the group, transferring fear;

  • disruption to cohesion and connection to the team;



Why do errors suddenly become contagious... it's an energy shift.
Why do teams error stack... it's an energy shift.
Why does momentum influence performance... it's an energy shift.

We are hard wired to "sense" potential emotional and physical risks and this includes the energy or state from those people near us. It's known as tension tagging and can be described as a contagious  emotional state that is transferred between people through energy.


It appears different for each individual and impacts teams at crucial moments in performance. In the training, you will learn about energy, energy shifting and disrupting energy.


Many people don't understand the ripple effects of behaviour and energy.

With understanding, comes awareness of being able to harness and shift energy.

in performance mode to shift momentum!

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